No matter who you are or what you encounter, life can be full of lovers and haters. Just ask Kanye :) At some point, gratification shifts from feelings of heavy indulgence to clarity and mindfulness. To some of us, it’s not about where you’re at, but the mission of personal growth along the journey. What new challenges and opportunities can you embrace, and what life expectations can be eliminated to allow you to reach your fullest potential? As our mind evolves, we continue to find clarity in our skill set to help further define our purpose. In a world where Windows, iPads, and Jordan's launch every month to meet with our style or convenience needs, life begins to feel cyclical. Suddenly, the content feels stale and sensations drift as we lose ourselves to the immediate gratification of consumption.
As we turn on HBO to avoid the frustrated ads, the background noise continues through our natural media intake. The world continues in its state, with disturbing new realities emerging daily. Unless you’re watching Animal Planet, Discovery, or BBC, you already know what’s up. All of a sudden, the heavy facts drop. 168 million child workers, 795 million people left hungry, and more than 1 million species are facing extinction due to global warming. In some cases you begin to feel something, whether you decide to convince yourself it’s hunger is up to you. What if you could jump into the TV and punch that poacher right in the face, then hop right back into bed? Add that one to Elon Musks’ list.
Vance, A., 2016)
As our newest partner, Global Citizen, gathers Chris Martin and Rihanna to unite people and spread knowledge of global issues directly impacting all our lives, Conscious Step embraces feelings of community and expanded awareness. Uniting people to look beyond the lenses of their Pokémon Go app to strive for a better world. It’s not about giving a portion of proceeds blindly to a cause, but working together to understand and embrace solutions to the issues affecting our everyday lives. How many companies are donating for status as opposed to displaying sincere involvement in a solution; making sacrifices for a better world where community and knowledge should be incorporated in our lives for generations beyond. Leaving people excited to stay involved, while embracing feelings of global community and responsibility. It’s not supposed to be easy, people risk their lives everyday to catch Pokémon.
McCarthy, J., 2016)
Getting back to the point - expectations of a social entrepreneur. Well, like any entrepreneur, it’s about identifying a problem and providing the world with a solution. Preferably a convenient one, but next to Pringles and Pepsi, expect to bend down a bit for those organic chips. It’s about providing a solution better than what already exists, unique, and with care. Then, the social aspect comes into play. Life takes each of us in our own direction, and finding unity with our skills, passions, and life goals is our own unique personal journey. What are you willing to sacrifice for your dreams and for the world around you? Better yet, how can you combine both of these ambitions? You might get asked, “do these socks really give 18 months of clean water or are you just trying to get me to impress my girlfriend?” While I appreciate the fact your girlfriend understands the clean water issues surrounding our people and planet, I’m here to help you do both. Comfortably.
At Conscious Step, we’re inspired to open imaginations and find deeper meaning in the words Fairtrade and Organic. A vision of unity to involve a generation over-exposed to problems, and under-exposed to solutions. While you can follow all the quick tips from Mashable, Business Insider, and Forbes; solutions exist when we collaborate and follow our hearts desires. As the journey continues, we remind ourselves that taking Conscious Steps everyday will lead us to different adventures across the world and influence positive changes in ways we may never have imagined. Expectations to take the ordinary parts of life, and turn them into something extraordinary.
Works Cited
McCarthy, J. (n.d.). Syrian Children Are Holding Pokémon Characters to Get the World's Attention. Retrieved August 25, 2016, from
Vance, A. (n.d.). Elon Musk, the 21st Century Industrialist. Retrieved August 25, 2016, from
Published: Tue, Aug 30, 2016